Sunday, January 20, 2008

If the playoffs started today...

First, take a look at our predictions from the beginning of the season: .

NL North: Cleveland Cleveland Stormtroopers
NL East: Boston Blood Sox
NL South: Houston Texans
NL West: Las Vegas Gamblers
NL Wildcard 1: Hartford Harpoons
NL Wildcard 2: Atlanta Braves/Anaheim Redbirds (I forget the tiebreaker rules)

AL North: Chicago Knights
AL East: New York Mugger Funk
AL South: Memphis Elvi
AL West: Scottsdale Mad Jester
AL Wildcard 1: Sacramento Air Force
AL Wildcard 2: Washington D.C. War Criminals

AL is the tougher league to make the playoffs by 8 games at this point. The two one seeds would be Scottsdale and Houston (Oh and Houston has less wins than Washington).

Top teams at each level by record:

AAA: New Britain
AA: Scottsdale
HiA: Washingtond D.C.
LoA: Houston
RL: Anaheim

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